Is your business prepared if a hurricane hits? Hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30. Hurricanes can cause extensive damage to infrastructure, disrupt business, lead to a detrimental loss of revenue, and put human lives at risk. By being proactive, you can reduce the chance of injuries to employees, protect physical assets, and ensure business continuity.
1. Establish and Revisit Your Emergency Action Plan
A plan should be communicated company-wide and at a minimum, an annual reminder should be distributed to employees. It is important that it include an evacuation plan to ensure that workers can get to safety in case a hurricane may affect the area. OSHA's Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool can help.
2. Develop a Plan for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
Creating a hurricane plan for business continuity and disaster recovery involves identifying potential risks, developing a response plan, and regularly testing and updating the plan. It's important to involve all relevant stakeholders and thoroughly train employees on the plan to ensure its effectiveness in the event of a hurricane or other natural disaster. Training should be included as part of onboarding, annually, and as reminder messaging when a hurricane is anticipated.
3. Set Up a Communication Plan
Communication plans establish clear protocols and ensure that everyone knows what to do and whom to contact in case of an emergency. Your plan should also include communication with customers. Businesses that set up a communication plan before a hurricane can minimize disruption, ensure timely information sharing, and protect their assets.