

Four Traits Of Impactful Leaders Impactful leaders have a way of influencing others through their actions and words. A key to their effectiveness is the leadership style(s) they employ, which is ...
Keep Calm And Adapt To Change Change is inevitable. Sometimes it is for the better and other times it may not be. However, how you respond to change can have a big impact on your personal ...
How To Prepare For Operation Safe Driver Week From July 10-16, 2022, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) will conduct its Operation Safe Driver campaign throughout the United States, Mexico, and ...
How To Use Your Influence To Meet Safety Goals Every motor carrier’s management team understands the challenge of steering the organization in the right direction and getting employees to buy into a shared ...
When An Emergency Happens, Are Your Drivers And Employees Prepared? No motor carrier ever wants to be involved in a vehicle-related incident or be pulled into a fraudulent claim. However, due to the high-risk nature of the ...
Create a Workplace That Learns from Mistakes Mistakes happen. As frustrating as that may sound, mistakes are inevitable because humans are imperfect beings. In fact, most crashes and injuries are the result ...
What if Culture is Not Your Problem? When a motor carrier starts seeing a trend in vehicle crashes, employee injuries, or even turnover, it is easy to look at the company’s culture as the cause and ...
Generational Leadership for a Diverse Workforce Motor carriers are not strangers to the challenges of leading a multi-generational workforce. Each group of workers have its own unique set of characteristics and ...
Do Employees Understand Your Business Acumen? Business acumen is an in-depth understanding of how a company operates, what drives its business decisions, how it generates revenue, and how it is exposed to ...
Courageous Leaders Aren't Afraid to Break a Few Eggs On April 23, 1910, in Paris, France, Theodore Roosevelt delivered a speech that would come to be known as “The Man in the Arena.” In his address, Roosevelt ...

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